You know, the last person who ventured into this part of
my website still hasn't been released from the mental hospital. Still curious? Ok, you had fair warning.
In this section, the average viewer will find many classic works of literature submitted to me by friends and/or random people.
Heck, some of my friends even came up with this stuff. However, before you read, a word of caution.....these are EXTREME
inside jokes and I guarantee that most people will not get any of them, so don't expect to laugh unless you have a weird sense
of humour! Most of these date back to junior high and even though I don't know what's going on in most of them, there's
still some feelings of nostalgia. HAVE FUN........................................................
"Bean vs. The Comandy"
"The Epic"
"The Epic, Part II"
"Garlick's Basketball Story"
"The Epic, Part III: Legion of the Embassy"