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A Perfect Circle

If you have never heard these guys before, you're in for an awakening.  Frontman Maynard James Keenan is also the vocalist of Tool, Billy Howerdel is a former techie for Smashing Pumpkins and Nine Inch Nails, Troy Van Leeuwen rocks out on some of the most amazing guitar parts imaginable, Paz Lenchantin adds depth on the bass, and Josh Freese holds it all together on the drums.  If I were you, I'd download or buy both their CD's for the good of all mankind.  Or better yet, just read along and decide for yourself.

"Thirteenth Step" 2003

* * * * *          "Thirteenth Step" 2003
Can you name another side project band that has gotten so popular that fans have had to beg for another CD?  That's exactly what happened to APC.  You know, I wouldn't be surprised if A Perfect Circle's popularity has almost surpassed that of Tool's.  But let me get back to the review.....3 years after "Mer de Noms", the band went forth with "Thirteenth Step".  On a personal note, after hearing "Weak and Powerless" almost every other day, I almost lost my sanity waiting for the September 16th release date.  Now, a whole 4 days later, I can reveal why I was so anxious....this CD has more than lived up to it's predecessor.  Shit, it's already lapped it.  Why the prestigious 5 Star rating?  If you would have asked me 2 days ago, I wouldn't have been able to tell you.  APC's style has gone through a significant change from 2000, and at first it took me awhile to get used to it.  If you described the first CD as 'hard', then this one might be taken for 'soft'.  Indeed, the opening track "The Package" is 8 mins long, and is mostly a gentle percussion ensemble that builds up into a rampaging guitar orgasm of sound.  I finally have to agree with the almighty Watson, this song is amazing.  Equally amazing is "The Noose" which begins with a melancholy piano intro wavering in and out of sound.  Same goes for "Blue" which is almost a trance-like version of "Magdalena" from the first CD.  My current favorite is "Vanishing", which I can't adequately describe other than to say the bass eerily floats along with the drifting vocals.  From the whole CD standpoint, I can say that if Enya and rock and roll were to be combined, this is as close as it gets.  Only rarely have such unique, melodic, and beautiful sounds been heard on an album such as this.  Guys, this might be my pick for CD of the year.  What does that mean??  GO BUY IT!!!!

"Mer de Noms" 2000

* * * *          "Mer de Noms" 2000
While most of the general population thought the year 2000 signaled the end of the world, it instead served as the regeneration of amazing music.  Who exactly led this crusade, you ask?  A Perfect Circle, that's who.  Created by former Smashing Pumpkins guitar tech Billy Howerdel and Tool vocalist Maynard James Keenan, this side project band's debut album "Mer de Noms" (which means sea of names in French) is one of my favorite CD's.  All you have to do is listen to the opening track, "The Hollow".  Keenan's voice cries through an arcing chorus and just dominates life itself.  The second track "Magdalena" is a very eery-sounding song that has an almost desperate chorus of "I'd sell my soul, my self esteem, one dollar at a time for one touch, one taste, one taste of you my magdelana".  The grinding guitar that goes along with that chorus is very cool indeed.  A sweet song about ummm.......lust is "Thinking of You", which features a rather sweet bass line and another dynamic chorus.  However, 2 songs that must be downloaded from this CD are "Judith" and my personal fave, "3 Libras" which begins as a gentle acoustic and violin piece before gradually getting harder.  Overall, the mood of many of these songs are haunting, powerful, and overly dramatic, but that's exactly what makes it fantastic.  Those who already know who A Perfect Circle is will surely agree with me.