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Video Game Central

As the name might lead you to believe, this is indeed Video Game Central.  It might not start out very big, but as time goes on, it will slowly encompass the whole world as we know it.  Basically, every time I get my hands on a new game or feel like letting you know about some good ones, chances are that the news will break here first.  As we all know, paying $50 for a game and having it turn out like crap is not very cool.  If this section can help even one hardcore gamer, then it has served it's purpose.

*****<Video Game News/Updates>*****
4-18-04 - If you have a good computer, get "Far Cry" and "Call of Duty", easily 2 of the best games I've seen.  For the Xbox, this is the year of Halo 2, Doom 3, and Half-Life 2, so get ready.  If you can't wait until then, get "Deus Ex: Invisible War"...fucking AWESOME.
11-24-03 - Well, I havent been gaming for awhile, but be on the lookout for Dues Ex 2, Max Payne 2, as well as some sweet new Nintendo games.  There's a spinoff Paper Mario sequel for the GBA, if I'm not mistaken.  Check them out at your local game store.
10-7-03 - For once in my life, I wish I had a Gamecube.  I just played F-Zero GX, there's going to be a Mario Kart Double Dash, and there's another Mario golf game, the Toadstool Tour.  For the 10% of the world who has a Gamecube, enjoy.
9-19-03 - The word on the street is that "Knights of the Old Republic" is amazing.  Hmm, I should probably check it out...as soon as I get some money that is.
8-15-03 - Bored?  Then I challenge you to rent this game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein.  It's damn awesome on the PC, but the Xbox version is'nt bad either.  When i'm done renting it, I'll review it ya.
8-4-03 - i played NBA Live 2000 for my N64 today and realized once again how it was the last true basketball video game.  Seeing how much Live '03 sucked, I can safely say we are entering the Ice Age of video game hoops.
8-1-03 - ummmm.....Half Life 2 is going to cause major bowel movements throughout mankind.  I'm gonna have to make a page for it...SOON.
7-30-03 - if anyone hasn't seen the Halo 2 demo yet, go download it from Kazaa.  Type "2003 Halo 2 E3 Demo" and search for a video file that is about 8 minutes long.  After you've watched it, let me know if you shat your pants yet.

*****<Reviewed Video Games>*****

ESPN NBA Basketball


Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun

NBA Street Volume 2

Red Faction II

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

It doesn't look like this...but Xbox STILL rules.