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Very Cool Links

In case you get bored (as incomprehensible as that sounds if you're viewing MY site...), here's some online treasure to check out.  If you guys know of any other cool sites, tell me about 'em.

http://www.1watson.com/steve/ - keeping it real back in Glen Ellyn, my good friend Steve aka "Wazon" runs his respective website.  Some legendary features of his site include, but are not limited to, The Game List, The Basketball Page, Music News, and a whole buncha interesting stuff.
http://www.september-music.com - here it is, the one and only website created by the game master himself, Wazon.  The founder of 1watson.com is the frontman for September, a band that hails from Glen Ellyn.  Check out their cool site for lyrics, pictures, songs, contact info, and upcoming show dates.  Thou shall clicketh on thy link!!!
http://addictinggames.com - the name should be self-explanitory.  I just happened to find this site one day, and was entertained by 'Emu Lander' for quite some time.  There's literally hundreds of games to choose from on here, and the best part...they should ALL work on your school computers! 
http://homestarrunner.com - this is without a doubt one of the funniest websites I've ever seen.  Follow along as The Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Marzipan, The King of Town, Coach Z, Strong Sad, and The Poopsmith engage in hilarious mini cartoons.  Also, check out Stong Bad Emails, in particular "Crazy Cartoon", "Japanese Cartoon", "Dragon", "Techno", and "Interview".  It's just cah-razy.
http://www.skullfish.net - the homepage of my Uncle Dave's cover band Skullfish.  I haven't seen them play, but judging from my uncle's amazing guitar skillz, I bet they are pretty damn good.  And hey, if anyone is ever looking for a band for a special occasion, I'll bet these guys would be happy to oblige.
http://www.geocities.com/thematafluer/ScottysHomepage.html - think you know the real Scott Johnsen of OHS?  Think again.  All the things you thought you knew about him are really......ahhh, I'm just being overdramatic again.  Check out his site and give him a holla.