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Welcome to....The Land of Game
Miscellaneous Page of Stuff

I really didn't know what to put here, hence the word "miscellaneous".  If you guys can think of any cool stuff, please let me know, because I have no idea at all.  Serious.  I am fresh out as of this moment.  Help!

OK, school's really not THAT bad...

Beware of the penguin.

The logo for my Front Page site that never happened.

The Best Concerts I've Ever Been To
1.)  The Our Lady Peace concert on 8/10/02 at The Vic in Chicago with James, Travis, and Watson.
2.) The Third Eye Blind/Goo Goo Dolls concert on 8/22/02 at the Tweeter Center with Watson, Jessie, Britney, and Lisa.
3.)  The Taproot/Chevelle/Disturbed Music As A Weapon Tour finale at the UIC Pavillion in Chicago with Chumma, Chartrand, James, Nate, Hoffy, Guare, and Jenna.
4.) 3 Doors Down, Our Lady Peace, Seether, and Shinedown at the Congress Theater, summer of 2003 with Watson, Travis, and Prichard.  Mad hotties, fucking awesome food, and good times all around.
5.)  September's debut, John Mulrow's basement on 3/22/03.
6.)  Q101 Jamboree, early '02 at the Tweeter Center with Watson and Garlick.  Noteable bands seen: The Hives, Our Lady Peace, Zwan, Unwritten Law, Local H, Dashboard Confessional, Kid Rock, and Thursday who kicked ass.  The stages sounded like shit, though.
7.)  Waaay back in summer of '99...the B96 B-Bash at brand new Route 66 raceway.  Travis got free tickets, so we went and saw Busta Rhymes, Ricky Martin, the Venga Boys, *Nsync....hey did I mention they were free tickets? LOL.

Is that why they don't use the dog in commercials anymore?

September is here!
....and T.P.R.C. is still alive....

Here's a little post-9/11 hysteria.

"Wouldn't it be funny if Travis was a magician?  He'd wear a huge pointy hat, a dark cape, wave a magic wand, say 'eh figutude, figutada, figudente', and spontaneously combust!" - a very tired person who obviously needs some sleep

Yeah, I was in the NBA once.....

"The Nets have taken a bold step with the selection of Jamaican big man, Yinka Dare.  I would liken this to drafting a Shaquille O'Neal with two broken legs and a permanent blindfold."  - a fictitious observation by Bill Walton, even though the quote isn't as far fetched as it might seem

"I'm still here, you satanists! Neva cheyla me!"
The Comandy, refusing to leave the website.